Check out comments from reviews of the book “Compass Guide for Beginners: From Research Questions to Research Reports and Presentations”:
This relatively brief outline of how to plan, conduct, and write up a research study is aimed at people with little experience, such as undergraduate and Masters students and those new to research. It is a clear summary of the various stages and gives useful pointers to writing about a research study, including what to include and where. A very important area that is often omitted from such guides is how to disseminate findings to a wide range of audiences, including guidance on preparing presentations for different audience types.
The author has a strong track-record in conducting policy-relevant research and shares her experience in a succinct and user-friendly way. Many students and junior researchers across most branches of science will find this guide very useful.
Dr Jennifer Mindell, Professor of Public Health, Health and Social Surveys Research Group, Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL (University College London), London, United Kingdom
This Compass Guide for Beginners book by Sandra Mandic is a comprehensive, well-structured, and easy-to-read pedagogical resource/reference book. I would particularly point out the appropriateness of its form and content to the target group of academic readership. In terms of the formal aspect, there is a good balance of text, warm-colored illustrations, and tips that enable the long-term memorization of the reading material. Concerning content, the book offers well-thought-out topics for the successful embarking on the path of a research journey. Being privileged to be among those involved in the project from scratch, I feel honored to be able to deliver comments on such an innovative piece of writing by one of my brilliant former students
Mira Milić, Retired Associate ESP Professor, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia