“Imagine you have signed up for an exciting solo adventure into the wilderness to challenge yourself and expand your horizons – and come back ready to re-enter your professional life with increasing responsibilities. In this adventure, you will be choosing and creating your own unique path through an unknown territory, discovering and following clues along the way, and learning from your own experience. Make sure you take a map (if you can get one) and a compass with you – and have access to a trusted mentor (and a friend or two) for advice when necessary…” (Sandra Mandic, 2021)
The book “Compass Guide for Postgraduate Students (and Their Supervisors): How to Navigate Your Research Journey” (Second Edition) offers comprehensive guidance for Doctoral and Master’s students to navigate successfully their postgraduate research journey.
Available in English and Spanish.
Features of this book include…
80 Infographics
33 Examples
6 Compass Guide feedback templates
10 Links to short research training videos
10 Activities
Many tips
Available in both electronic (PDF) format (for personal use only) and paperback format

Sandra Mandic. (2024) Compass Guide for Postgraduate Students (and Their Supervisors): How to Navigate Your Research Journey. (Second Edition) AGILE Research Ltd., Wellington. ISBN: 978-0-473-69701-3 (PDF); ISBN: 978-0-473-69700-6 (paperback)

Sandra Mandic. (2024) Guía Compass: viaje por la investigación para estudiantes de posgrado y directores (Segunda edición) AGILE Research Ltd., Wellington. ISBN: 978-1-0670411-2-0 (PDF); 978-1-0670411-3-7 (tapa blanda)
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Subscription for electronic (PDF) version in English (12-month viewing-only access; for personal use only): €37.99
Subscription for electronic (PDF) version in Spanish (12-month viewing-only access; for personal use only) / Suscripción para la versión electrónica (PDF) en español (acceso de 12 meses solo para visualización; sólo para uso personal): €37.99
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Paperback version
Paperback – English version: €53.99 plus shipping cost
Paperback – Spanish version / Libro de tapa blanda – Versión en español : €53.99 plus shipping cost / más gastos de envío
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