Research Training | Research Training Resources | Research Consulting

  • Assessment of organisation’s research training needs
  • Design (ideally co-design) and delivery of customised research training
  • Providing research project management training to government organisations, businesses and education institutions
  • Providing Compass Guide Research Training resources
  • Advising on research project and programme management and strategy

Our research training and services meet the needs of a range of clients – from universities, faculties, research teams and students to small startups, large businesses and government organisations.

We currently offer our products and services in English and Spanish. Some of our Compass Guide books are also available in Chinese and Portuguese.

Contact us today to discuss your research needs and how we can help!

Examples of Our Research Training Workshops Topics

We will work with you to discuss your needs and design research training based on your needs and preferences. Workshop topics and courses presented below are some of the options.

Examples of Research Process Workshops

  • For undergraduate students: How to Navigate the Research Process and Complete Your Research Project
  • For postgraduate students:
    How to Navigate Your Postgraduate Research Journey

Examples of Research Project Management Workshops

  • Fundamentals of Research Project Management
  • How to Plan Your Research Project
  • How to Manage Your Research Project
  • How to Monitor Your Research Project

Examples of Research Funding and Research Outputs Workshops

  • The Art and Science of Writing Research Grants
  • Creating and Delivering Effective Presentations
  • Putting Together High-Quality Research Reports
  • The Art of Writing Scientific Journal Articles

Multi-day Compass Guide Research Training Courses

  • For professionals and researchers: Boost Your and Your Team’s Research Productivity
  • For postgraduate students’ supervisors: Helping Postgraduate Students Unlock Their Research Potential
  • For Doctoral and Master’s students: How to Navigate Your Postgraduate Learning Journey

Our Involvement in Publishing Scientific Journal Articles (Selected List)

Selected Testimonials

I am so blessed to have been on this wonderful journey with you Sandy and I hope the remaining 10 months run smoothly. You have worked your heart out Sandy and put all your energy and breath into making sure the BEATS Research Programme was a success. WELL DONE YOU, for your leadership, steadfast attitude, patience and achievements. I am so very proud of you, and I am looking forward to hearing how the last stages go as we keep in touch going forward.

Kim King, BEATS-2 Study Coordinator, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Thank you, Professor Sandy Mandic, for an excellent lecture and discussion on current project management challenges. Our students are thrilled with your expertise and delivered workshop.

Uglješa Marjanović, PhD, Dipl.-Ing., MBA, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Želim da Vam se zahvalim na divnim predavanjima i dobroj energiji, znanju i ljubavlju kojom ste nas obasjali tokom svojih izlaganja u Novom Sadu. Toliki naboj dobrih vibracija nisam skoro osetila. […] Vaša izlaganja su me podstakli kao ni jedna knjiga koju sam do sada pročitala na brojna razmišljanja i probudila brojne emocije i želje. […] Nikada do sada nisam prisustvovala takvoj prezentaciji gde je svaki slajd, svaka rečenica nosila snažnu pouku i emociju. Blago studentima kojima ste Vi mentor i zvezda vodilja.

Translated in English: I want to thank you for the wonderful lectures and the good energy, knowledge and love with which you enlightened us during your presentations in Novi Sad. I have not felt such a charge of good vibrations for a while. […] Like no other book I have read so far, your presentations evoked in me many thoughts and awakened many emotions and desires. […] Until now, I have never attended such a presentation where every slide, every sentence carried a strong lesson and emotion. Blessed are the students who you mentor and serve as their guiding star.

Assistant Professor Svetlana Bačkalić, Department of Traffic Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Wonderful session today, thank you so much. I could tell my team were fizzing with ideas and loving the research and your presentation style so again a huge thank you for giving us your time. We are planning a follow up session within our team to discuss next steps moving forward so hopefully we will be able to bring you back into the conversation at some point, it’s an amazing opportunity for us and our district and a very opportune time for us to be thinking about these things as we plan what our network will look like for the next few decades. Hope you enjoyed the session as much as we did and I look forward to continuing our relationship moving forward.

Hannah Wolfreys, Let’s Go Programme Advisor, New Plymouth District Council, New Plymouth, New Zealand

I thoroughly enjoyed your WIPM [Women in Project Management] event. Part of your presentation I really resonated with was around taking a moment to step back and reflect on your dreams, realign and reimagine your future. So powerful! 😊

Holly Singh, Assistant Project Manager, Beca, New Zealand

Thank you for your presentation, it was very clear and the process you took us through took us on that journey. I really liked the lessons learned and how it related back to project management.

Anonymous feedback on the Project Management Training School webinar “Using Agile Project Management to Lead a Multidisciplinary Research Programme: A Real World Example”

This was a fantastic webinar! I found Sandra’s story to be inspirational and an important lesson to never give up on your passion in the face of adversity!

Anonymous feedback on the Project Management Training School webinar “Using Agile Project Management to Lead and Management a Multidisciplinary Research Programme: A Real World Example”